Friday, 10 May 2013

Double Wedding Ring workshop........

It's a good thing we had very few members turn up for this week's meeting as the tables in the hall had been "borrowed" and not returned.  We had just enough for Jenny's ladies to make a start on the double wedding ring workshop with one or two to spare.  A visit to the town hall resulted in a very speedy delivery of more tables in time for late comers though.

The girls started by cutting out all the components for one block, here is Pam

Then they began piecing the outer rings.  Cath was persuaded to make her rings using multiple pieces in toning fabrics, in place of the single piece

Jenny gives Mary a demonstration in rotary cutting around the block template pieces

As the day progressed, the ring designs began to emerge, here Christine sees what her block will look like when stitched together

Cath got into the routine of chain piecing her rings, and after a few set-backs with her "b" pieces, soon saw the design emerge

I recognise that peach fabric Pam!

Christine attaching the end diamonds to the melon shapes.

At the other end of the hall, Ann wasn't able to complete her bargello project started during the Bargello workshop a few weeks ago, after running out of one small strip of fabric.  This Tuesday she could  work on finishing the project as Christine was able to come up with just enough of the missing fabric!

These two jolly fellows flew in for  a photo shoot,  the pale blue owl is Ann's and the owl with hooded eyes, is Pam's.
Jo (right) who joined the group a few months ago, brought along her sister Mary to see what we get up to.  Despite it being a very quiet meeting Mary and Jo have decided they would like  to come to meetings on a regular basis when they are over here.  We look forward to seeing you.

Sarah brought along her sewing machine and put the finishing stitches to her Chopkey Cushion, made during a recent workshop, while she chatted to Lesley who was busy working a cross stitch project.

Eloise brought along two completed projects to show us, a paper pieced star hanging, above, and a tied quilt    below, being held by Kath and Gill.  Eloise said she couldn't face quilting a quilt this size on her machine so she tied it instead.  Well why not, after all, this is how they were done in times gone by. 

Thanks for dropping by, hope to see you next week, when the girls will be making more wedding ring blocks to complete their projects, and Jan will be showing one or two members how to thread their overlockers

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