Hi there - just because I put x2 on the previous blog didn't mean that I was going to do two blogs!!! Please read the earlier blog first - then, hopefully, this blog will make sense!!!
So, here goes . . .
detail of the table runner shown below |
One of Gwen's completed table runners using the Makower range of fabrics that
some members used for the Byzantium wallhanging
Gwen also brough along another table runner which she has completed - see photo below.
Jo and Mary chatted away about their respective projects - Jo shared her completed Chopstick cushion cover - see photos below. Mary had her lacemaking with her - hopefully she will bring it again as it prompted talk amongst other members - some of whom had made lace before but some time ago!! I, for one, would be tempted to take it up again - it is so relaxing.
Jill and Gill discussed Jill's Diversity project piece - it is definitely taking shape and word on the campo is that it is finished!!! Well done Jill!
And, finally, a couple of photos of busy people, til the next time, hasta luego, Helen. xx
Thanks again Helen, these photos and updates are great, I feel as though I have been to the meeting! See you all Tuesday, Rachel