Apologies to regular readers for the lateness of this update, my excuse..... I came back with the seemingly inevitable cold after flying, but popped in to the meeting last week for a few minutes with my camera. I also didn't want to miss seeing Sue with all her lovely bags for sale! Sue who also enjoys dressmaking, was interested to see what we get up to in our meetings, had a successful morning by all accounts, with lots of interest in her handbags.
Sue with some of her handbags
It was quite a small group of ladies meeting in the hall for a change, and the second of Christine's Bargello workshop was in full swing. I'm not sure which work belongs to who, but will correct that when I have matched the owners up with their work at the next meeting!
Ann with her panel and new bag to match!
Pam and her panel
Amanda and Cath admiring Ann's work
Pam displaying one of Christine's class samples I think!
and Christine showing one of her own class samples. I love those fabrics!
Cath decided to try using ribbon as the separating sashing on her piece.
Elsewhere in the hall, regular group members Margaret, Sue, Jacqueline, Jill and Carole worked steadily on their own projects.
Carole getting to grips quilting her Scrappy Illusions quilt
Jill added more stitching to her Diversity project "Seed-heads"
Christine is making a quilt for her sister featuring her favourite pastime
Linda on one of her regular visits, with Sue
I enjoyed doing the blog but it is good to hand it back for a wee while!!!