Saturday, 28 June 2014

Almost the end of term........

With only one more "official" meeting till the Group's summer break, preparations are ongoing for our exhibition in October.  While many members are making small items for Tombola prizes, others are finishing off work which they intend to exhibit.
Although we "officially" break up for a couple of the hottest months of the year here, there will be a group of members who have chosen to continue meeting on Tuesdays and additionally, Pam will be leading a further group of members in making small items and gifts for donating to charity, who will meet on Wednesdays beginning July 9.
Jan and Kath went round the group at this week's meeting asking for volunteers for various tasks to do with the exhibition, and they were pleased with the good response they received from members present.  Some husbands were volunteered too, to help hang the exhibits on the day and prepare the hall a couple of weeks before hand.
Asking for volunteers from Shirley, Sandy and Eleanor

Reviewing the list of jobs to be done

Despite the heat there are thoughts of the end of the year and many more seasonal hangings are being produced.
Pam tried out the automatic embroidery attachment at last on her new machine and produced this jolly little snowman  gift tag which was stitched out in-the-hoop.

While Ann continues the theme with seasonal wall hangings

Ann with her work in progress above and below

Pam has been teaching Gladys and Margaret how to make the table runners that have been popular with two or three other members, Margaret is also keeping with the seasonal theme.

Pam with Gladys

Margaret's table runner

Kath above, and Gwen below, are making items for the show and tombola,

and Yvonne, who still can't find her pattern detailing how she designed her quilt project, plows through another of it's components.  Judging by the huge pile of cut fabric and wadding she showed us today, she has plenty of time to come across it!
Pam is trying to get to grips with some tiny Japanese folded bags, but getting frustrated with poorly translated instructions.  Pam did manage to get one finished by the end of the session, but wants to iron out the construction wrinkles before I photograph it!

One or two members have been finishing off projects, there is another lovely example of  a Row-by-Row project, this one from Chris.

Christine has been working on this quilt on and off in between other projects for two years, and decided she really must finish it in time for the exhibition.
Christine has also made a start on a new asymmetrical quilt project, which she has been asked to teach, and intends leading a class once the exhibition is over. If you are interested in working along with Christine, please contact her.  The photo below shows the top section, giving you a taster of the project which has a country style to it with it's over-sized and simplified tree and flowers.  I look forward to seeing the next section Christine.

Chris is also finishing off projects started  a while ago.  The project below is from the Mystery quilt workshop.  Chris didn't like the effect of the border on the original project so she's removed that and now plans to add an applique dove to the centre medallion, before layering up the quilt and adding quilting to it, another quilt to be ready for the exhibition.

Chris is also working on a small kit project she found in the US when visiting her daughter, it reads Dogs have Owners, Cats have Staff!

HelenH worked at her cross stitch project, while HelenP who goes back to the UK for a couple of months continued with her mini log cabin project.

Sue is getting on well with her silk ribbon picture, helped by Elle, while Jacqueline's bobbin lace bookmark is growing in length

And a little later in the morning, I spotted Elle at Marilyn's cushion, adding a few stitches under Marilyn's guidance, but Elle was making it look very easy so I wonder if she's done this before.

Behind the scenes, Frank and I have been working on the hanging display for the exhibition, and I can say it's a tight squeeze to get everything in our new venue!  I'm meeting with Kath and Jan on Monday to discuss what we have so far, then it will be over to them to arrange where everything else will be displayed, on tables  or draped over various  props.  We have also made a flyer which will be available next week for anyone wishing to sell raffle tickets to friends and family.  Hopefully that helps explain why I am late with this week's blog again!
In case  you don't already know, you can get the blog automatically into your email inbox as soon I post it, by subscribing at the top right hand side of this page.  
Don't forget to pop over to our website after the weekend to see members' Gallery updates.  Pam and Ann have new table runners in their galleries, along with a small quilt for Pam, and Helen Hulm has a gallery page for her Row-by-Row project.  There will also be a new video from award winning quilter Sharon Schamber.  Sharon gives step by step detailed explanation on how to add curved binding to a quilt and the video is well worth a watch.
I think we have caught up again, so until next week thanks for stopping by.  Rachel

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