Thursday, 22 May 2014

Lovely eye candy......

Things are back to normal  after having to cancel the previous week at very short notice, as the tables had been removed from the hall for use in a fiesta in the village. .
This is a long post so grab a coffee and join us, as there was lots of eye candy on display this week, with one of our newer members, Marilyn,  bringing some of her work to be photographed for her gallery page in our Group website.  Marilyn's work will begin to appear in her gallery over the next  weeks so be sure to return to it regularly to see these and other members' gallery updates.
Marilyn has been stitching in one form or another for many years, and particularly enjoys bobbin lace and patchwork and quilting.

Some of the bobbin lace made by Marilyn

 Marilyn likes to incorporate embroidery into her patchwork quilts, in this large bed quilt each block has a different quilting design embroidered in the centre.

An embroidered doormouse hides in in the centre of this little patchwork wall hanging

A framed country scene in wool embroidery above, with detail below

An embroidered blanket with amazingly detailed animals and a sampler in intricate stitches below, are just a few of the pieces of work Marilyn has created.

Yvonne has finished her Japanese themed wall hanging, a detail is shown below

A small portion of this crochet blanket was part of a large box of yarns and equipment which former member Sue Stead's family donated to the Group after her sad death last year.  Eleanor decided she would like to complete the blanket and found more yarn to complement the colours used in Sue's original work. 

Linda has completed her Row-by-Row quilt above, and Chris is well on the way to finishing hers too, below.  I know I have said it before, but I think these quilts will make a lovely display at our exhibition in the autumn, it's always good to see how the same design looks, interpreted by different people.  Christine Speller, the class teacher must feel very pleased with all her students' work!

Chris Bradley's project 

CarolW says these little knitted teddies could be used as tombola prizes in our exhibition, and Ann hasn't decided whether her seasonal wall hangings below, will be kept for herself, or given as gifts.

Gwen, who only has a few anchoring stitches to add to this pretty seasonal decoration, has been having a dyeing session at home recently and brought along her fabric to show us.

Yvonne seems to be powering through projects this year!  Above, is her May journal quilt for an online workshop in which she is participating.   This month's theme is "texture" which Yvonne has used plenty of to depict her seascape.  Below, Yvonne works on a project started a long time ago.  She came across it in a cupboard while looking for something else, and thought it would be ideal to bring to meetings as it involves hand stitching and the pieces are small and easily portable.

Jenny has only to remove the tacking threads and add a couple more quilting motifs then this quilt (above) that a neighbour handed over to her partially made asking Jenny to finish it for her, will be on it's way to  it's owner who I am sure will be thrilled to see all the work Jenny has put into it for her.  Next week Jenny will bring it again to show us  the completed quilt.  

Sue chats with Carole above, while Simone also works on her embroidery project.

Sheila, Margaret and Julie knit while Gladys below works on her machine embellishing blocks with embroidery for her latest quilt project

Margaret,  with Carol center, and her friend Julie visiting from South Africa 

Kath above, spent another session  hemming more sashing on the raffle quilt, which if you haven't seen yet on the web site, now has all the butterfly blocks joined together.  We decided at the meeting to add a border using the background fabric and to bind the quilt using the sashing fabric to add the finishing touches.  When Rozanne returns from her trip to the UK, it should all be ready for her to work on the hand quilting.  Several members have already expressed their intention to buy the winning ticket at the raffle!!!

Helen is working on a seasonal project which appears to involve dozens of strips of fabric.  Next time I intend looking more closely at what's involved and will hopefully have a more detailed photo.

Christine enjoys foundation piecing and is working on a new project above, while Ann is making a drawstring bag below

Pam who, because she has been entertaining visitors recently, hasn't had a chance or the space to try out her new embroidery machine yet.  Pam was hoping to go home after the meeting, to a new specially designed and finished studio where she can work uninterrupted, but had a visit from her husband Ray during the meeting just to let her know in advance so she wouldn't be too cross, that he hadn't quite finished the room!! Hope it's finished now Pam, please take photos of you working in it so we can feature it soon in the "stitching corner" on the Group Website which features Kath at the moment.

Pam with Ray delivering his "bad news"!
I think that's us caught up for another week.  Thanks for reading and I hope you too have enjoyed seeing all the lovely work produced by our group members.  See you next time, Rachel

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