Friday, 14 February 2014

Better late than never!!

Sorry ladies, I´m very late with this weeks blog, I won't bore you with the reasons because they are not very good ones!  Instead I 'll just get straight on with photos and updates.
I think attendance this week reached an all time high, with twenty eight regular members and three new ladies all being creative in their respective fields of work.
 A local Spanish lady spotted us taking photographs outside the hall the week before, and came over to see what we were doing.  Rosa used to pop in and say hello when we were in the old hall in the village and didn't realize we had moved into this new building.  She lives just along the road so asked if she could come and join us on Tuesdays.  We were delighted to welcome her and she arrived this week with her trolley full of her own work to show us.  Like many Spanish ladies of her generation she makes beautiful crochet items.  She showed us a very large table cloth.  It was too big and delicate to photograph easily, but the one below is a smaller example of her work.

One of Rosa´s crochet table covers

A little pin cushion made by Rosa, sitting on another piece of Jill's ice-dyed fabrics

Rosa also brought along this little pin cushion (above) made from a CD and empty fish can, and the lightweight top (below), which Rosa explained she has made from strips of 50mm wide purchased cotton lace, sewn together horizontally for the body, with two separate tubes added after being made up in the same way, for the sleeves.  Rosa would like to learn how to dress-make and left the meeting this week telling us she will buy a pattern and bring it next week with her fabric and hopes Vanessa will help her learn. Rosa will only be working by hand in the meetings, as she says she can't bring her machine along to class like other members.... she owns an ancient treadle machine but says it stitches beautifully.

Rosa's cotton lace top

This week we also welcomed Elena who is Russian and was introduced to us by her friend Elsje who herself only joined us last week.  Elena makes intricate beaded ornaments replicating trees and flowers.

A beaded bonsai tree (above) and beaded branches waiting to be made into a tree (below)

Back with our regular members, Kath brought in a finished quilt for her friend Sue,

Kath's finished quilt

while Jill is making progress with her striking circles quilt (above) and Lesley (below) is adding more to her Cotswolds-themed cross stitch piece.

Lesley's daughter-in-law Sarah, is seen (above) cutting the sashing for her son's Thomas the Tank Engine quilt, with Gwen alongside her, trimming off the edges to a slashed bag she's making using some gorgeous fabric (below)

Seats and tables were at a premium this week as can be seen from the  following photos , maybe we will have to start a waiting list for new members soon!

New member Elena at the top of the table, with Vanessa in red, Rozanne hiding behind Elle and Kath (nearest)

The regular knitting circle, (clockwise left to right) Sue, Sheila, Margaret at her machine, Maureen and Margaret

Row-by-Row participants

And at the other end of the hall the Row-by-Row workshop is nearing the end.  Christine thinks that most members will have made their final  strips in another two weeks, and will then just have to join the strips to each other and add a binding to finish off their quilts or wall hangings.
If you head over to our website  after this weekend's update, (hopefully Sunday night) you'll be able to see many of the row components made by those taking part in this workshop.  There are too many to show here, and I don't want to upset anyone by only showing a few of them!!  I´m really looking forward to seeing the completed projects, and I think they will make a striking display at our exhibition in the autumn.
That's it for this week, thank you for stopping by, see you next week, Rachel

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