Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Rolled out......

It seems that my "test readers" were able to read the first blog so here goes for this week´s update from the Group.
Take a look at these quilt tops from the Mystery Quilt Project.  Some ready for the appliqué with others needing  further borders adding.  They look so different in all their interesting colour combinations.

Maria, with her centre medallion,  has never tried patchwork before and dived in at the deep end with a project that she didn´t even know what she was making before starting and loves it.  It is certainly a challenge for us both,  with me trying to give her instructions in my poor Spanish, and Maria coping with not only that and a completely new technique but working in inches too!!  We have a good laugh.

Helen has decided against adding appliqué as her fabric is lovely as it is.

Jill intends adding more elephants (you can´t quite see the ones in the centre block from this photo) and embellishing them with "bling".

Jan has added her appliqué and has further borders to add

Cath has altered the layout of her outer border which looks very effective, and intends appliquéing butterflies on the setting triangles and centre block

Ann has started her appliqué with bias shapes

Helen has more borders to add before deciding on her appliqué additions

I thought you might like to see where we work on Tuesday´s.  The hall is much bigger than our previous meeting room and has no stairs to negotiate with heavy sewing machine´s and bags.  Best of all, there are lots of power points and a good electricity supply to cope with all our sewing machines, kettles and heaters!

One end of the room where the general meeting is held 

Looking down the other end where we have the workshops

We welcome two new members Amanda and Yvonne, who joined the Group this week,  and were shown how to crochet by Eleanor.

Jan explained to members how to use some of the templates and rulers which we have just purchased for the Group.  These and various other tools are available for members to borrow for their own projects, along with books and magazines to which the Group subscribes.

Jan brought along  a project she is working on for her Grandson Spencer

and Lesley brought in a picture which she had just been given by her daughter, fellow group member Sarah, which Sarah had worked in cross-stitch.

As it´s the first Tuesday of the month, our meeting next week will be our "Sales Tuesday" when members bring in unwanted fabrics, threads, yarns books, etc, in an attempt to de-clutter.  Trouble is we then go and buy something we just can´t do without but someone else can, and go home with more!!  Oh well .......


  1. Really good to read all this - it keeps all up to date with what is going on in the group, happy stitching.

  2. Thanks Helen, the comments facility is causing Members a bit of a problem, but maybe you could help them out Tuesday please. Rachel

    1. Might need to have internet access but will set Chris (hubby) up and write down the exact process - problem is that it might be different on different systems. Not sure that Jill has got it sorted yet either - seeing her Saturday so will talk to her about it.
