As I mentioned in yesterday's post, there was such a lot going on at this week's Tuesday meeting, I thought it best to divided up the blog, so here is part 2........
We welcome new member Rachel, who traveled from Almuñecar to join us. Apparently Rachel has been following us on our website for some time and discovered that she knows long standing member Jenny Hart from her time living in Ireland, where both worked on their City and Guilds Patchwork and Quilting courses. Rachel originally lived in Granada, but now that she has moved down to the coast, decided she would be able to travel to our meetings and join the Group so she could meet with like minded people.
Rachel with her pink-themed quilt
We wish Helen and Chris farewell, they eventually returned to England a few weeks ago, where Helen is busy organsising house renovations, in particular her new sewing room, fitting this in between daily visits to see Chris, and Helen reports that Chris is being very well looked after in hospital in Leeds. Helen I know you will follow us on here, and we hope you join in with us on some of our projects; after all long-distance learning is very popular now with so much technology freely available . We look forward to updates from you when you have time.
Linda seems well settled back here after her extended stay in England, and here shows off a pretty cardigan and cotton lawn blouse she has made since returning. Welcome back Linda!
Sheila was busy knitting baby cardigans for a charity in Africa, (I'll feature more on this next week), and was pleased to see lots of yarn remnants which had been donated to the group by former member Sue Stead, who sadly lost her battle with cancer a short while ago . Although Sue had not been a member for very long, she so enjoyed her time in our group making new friends and enjoying being with like minded people that she expressed a wish that her stash of craft items, books and materials should be donated to the group.
Many of Sue's materials have found new homes and will feature in future projects. Amongst the yarns were two blankets, works in progress, which we intend finishing off and then raffling at our next exhibition to help raise funds for the local charity Anne-Axarquia, which we support whenever we can.
Maureen and Sandy were busy finishing off a crochet lap blanket and tiny cardigan while chatting with Eleanor who was working on a crochet stitch sampler, some of the stitches look remarkably like knitted stitches but are worked on a single crochet hook.
Eleanor says it's her intention to crochet individual squares for each different stitch, and mount these on a display board to be displayed at group meetings. Eleanor, who's knowledge and enthusiasm has already been responsible for quite a few members taking up knitting or crochet or reviving their old hobby, will then be happy to teach group members further stitches if they are interested..
Apart from being busy making small projects along with Pam for charity, Ann has made these two little gift wrapped owls as wedding gifts.

Helen is really enjoying her new Husqvarna Viking sewing machine and putting some the embroidery stitches to good use on her quilted work. There is a bit of a story to this machine, Helen purchased it on the internet a couple of months back after deliberating for many weeks and months on which machine to buy. She sought advice from group members too after narrowing her choice down to a couple of manufacturers. Kath brought in her Husqvarna machine for Helen to try, and this settled Helen's mind. The machine was delivered from the UK, and Helen eagerly began stitching with it. She was very disappointed from the start with the stitch quality, one of the main things abut any sewing machine and knew things were not right. After many phone calls with the seller, Helen eventually spoke to Husqvarna themselves who agreed without doubt the machine should go back, and arranged for a brand new one to be shipped from Sweden to she seller then on to Helen here in Spain. The downside was that Helen had to pay for the shipping back to the UK, but after receiving her new machine and seeing how brilliantly it stitched, she feels this was worth it, even though she really shouldn't have had to pay the costs. Helen wanted a machine that would enhance her quilts with embroidery stitches, particularly using metallic threads, and as you see from the photo below, she now has that machine and expects to spend many hours using it with much pleasure.

Chris was thrilled with outcome of the unusual project she was commissioned to make for her grandson in the US.
Chris who sent me the photos last week says, "this wigwam was a rushed job being a suggestion from my daughter for my grandson´s third birthday next week. I wish she had mentioned it when we were over there in July! Anyway, the wigwam was completed in record time and sent Fedex last week and she got it in three days - amazing! I put together my own pattern based on a friend´s advice and guidance whose mother had made one each for her two boys. Patterns on the internet were four sided and looked more like ordinary tents so I had great fun with this plus expert help from my technical advisor at home!" I bet your grandson is the envy of his playmates Chris!
Elle called in to see us too this week. Since Elle moved back to Torrox from Viñuela she can't make meetings so often, but we always love to see her outstanding silk-ribbon work. These panels are worked on painted backgrounds, the details are amazing and very lifelike, but unfortunately it's very difficult with my limited camera skills to show them well.
All the flowers are worked in silk ribbon and thread
Elle worked the shoes in delicate silk ribbon too
The hair and top of the ballerina's costume is all worked in silk thread too!
In the pictures below the detail is also amazing, from the diamonte embellishment on the jeans pockets, the crocheted jumper and styled hair on the girl, to the 3-D fruit on the tree and in the fruit basket and of course all the silk flowers and leaves.

To finish off this week's blogs, I must mention that we will have a stand at the Viñuela "Dia de la Pasa" fiesta this coming Saturday 14 September, to be held in the heart of the village. Last year we displayed many of our quilts and knitted and stitched projects, but as we were only asked about this on Friday last week, we haven´t got time to put together an exhibition again, but we have decided that many of us can bake cakes and cookies, which are always very popular at our exhibitions. So this year we are selling some lovely home baked goodies to raise funds for our local favourite charity, Anne-Axarquia. There may also be a few little stitched items for sale too, along with a display of one or two small projects if we have space. I hope if you are in the area, you may come along and support us. There is always lots of live music at the fiesta, along with many stalls offering local produce and of course grapes, and the village is providing free snacks and drinks. We will be there from 2pm, until all the cakes are sold!
See you next week, Rachel